Why Track My Training Exists

Track My Training was initially a university dissertation project focussing on tracking workout progress to assist with adherence and performance in the gym. Many applications exist to help track running, cycling, etc. Still, only some assist with ensuring you get a progressive overload during gym workouts that focus on weights. TMT is aiming to fill that gap and provide a workout tracking app that is highly customisable to allow you to track your training in the way you want.

Initial Release

The initial release improves the dissertation project by offering the application cross-platform. The app will be available on the Apple App Store, Google Play Store & the Web. The application will have a workout builder and the ability to track these workouts.

Workout Editing

The initial version does not allow a workout to be edited once it has been created, so in the next major version release, we will be focussing on adding the functionality to change a workout once it is made but also to swap out exercises mid-workout to allow for when machines are not available etc.

Timed Exercises

Not all gym exercises are based purely on repetitions and weights, so we want to add time tracking to exercises to track the progress of particular exercises like max time planks, max time hollow hold or fastest 5km run.

Share Workouts

The dissertation project focused on creating an application for personal trainers to use with clients to track progress. Sharing workouts between accounts is the first step towards this functionality.

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Our values

The goal is progress, not perfection!

Track My Training is an app focussed on helping you progress workout to workout, we value this in life generally as well as in the development of the application. As a small team (single-person) the aim is to make small iterative improvements to the application over time.


Consistency is crucial to improving any skill through constant practice. Striving for consistency in all we do is essential.

Health & Well-being

Our company is dedicated to fitness and recognises the significant role that physical and mental health play in overall well-being. We believe that a healthy body contributes to a healthy mind, and we are committed to supporting our community in their fitness goals.


We recognise that each individual has unique training preferences and goals. Our aim is to be inclusive and accommodate as many as possible while maintaining our focus on gym training.

Work With Us!

Please let us know if you are interested as being an ambassador for Track My Training or if you are interested on working on a software development project using Flutter and Supabase.